Ahmad Yani, Wiwik Setyaningsih, Avi Marlina


Brumbun hot springs which located in Lamongan regency has the potential of hot springs that emerge from the bowels of the earth so it will never be running out. The lack of attention from the government and communities make the condition of the tourist attractions of Brumbun hot springs becomes inaccessible and might causes damage for it’s existing and natural facilities. Besides, the lack of activities variant also makes less visitors. With the support of the regency government through spatial and regional plans, it is designed a development of natural attractions in order to improve the existence of a tourist attraction and the optimization of Brumbun’s natural potential. The method used is descriptive qualitative method with case study through stages of idea exploration, data collection through observation, interview, and ecological architecture literature, then through analysis phase with precedent study and supporting data consisting of physical condition of tourist object and government regulations related to tourism object development. The result of the analysis is in the form of four applied elements of wind as an ecological architectural aspect of the building, ie roof pond with open pond system, nako rooster, vertical garden with structural media, and cross ventilation.


Architecture, Air, Hot Springs, Ecology

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