Wahyudin Wahyudin, Murtanti Jani Rahayu, Rizon Pamardhi Utomo


The participation of citizen in the conservation of heritage buildings and structures on Surakarta Baluwarti background by conservation measures are often perceived as a barrier to regional development. It causes people to be hesitant in doing conservation measures. Baluwarti been determined to be of cultural heritage, the citizen in Baluwarti required to actively participate in the conservation of cultural heritage buildings and structures. Conservation of cultural heritage in Baluwarti not limited to protection, but also includes the utilization and development. The problem in this research is how much the participation of citizens in the conservation of cultural heritage buildings and structures in the area of Surakarta Baluwarti. The method used is to conduct field observations, distributing questionnaires, and analyzes the frequency distribution and descriptive analysis. The results of the level of citizen participation Baluwarti in the conservation of buildings and structures in the region. The results of this study indicate that the level of citizen participation at the level Baluwarti being. This result indicates the persistence of participation in conservation, but need to increase the participation of buildings and structures related to the conservation of cultural heritage Baluwarti.


Keywords: Building and Structure, Conservation, Cultural Heritage, Participation.

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