Tiara Arini, Agung Kumoro Wahyuwibowo, Tri Yuni Iswati


Abstract: Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena that include observation and explanation, occurs outside Earth and its atmosphere. Location of Indonesia which is at the equator enables the constellations in north sky and south sky can be observed very well. In Asia Pacific, astronomy in Indonesia is also growing and interested by many researchers from abroad. Astronomy also has relationship with aerospace engineering. Aerospace engineering studies about aircraft design. PT Dirgantara Indonesia is also the first and only one aircraft company in Southeast Asia. However, there are obstacles in these potentials, as in Indonesia, astronomy formal education is only at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Besides, facilities and infrastructures to study astronomy are still concentrated in Java. Yogyakarta is known as “Kota Pelajar” where the dynamics of education and tourism are strong enough to make it possible to deliver a High School of Astronomy and Aerospace, precisely in Gunungkidul Regency. Gunungkidul have ecological conditions that are still green and far away from the word "metropolitan" so as can be a place to facilitate astronomical observation. From this location, Sustainable Architecture becomes an approach that combines the aspects of efficiency, conservation, and durability that can be applied to the building and the environment. The efficiency is applied in energy use, particularly in the use of sun light and wind direction, as well as the efficiency of land use, so that not all of the site is covered by buildings that can provide green open space. On the conservation aspect is closely linked to sustainable development, especially in the use of natural resources. Conservation will keep the natural resources remain on a sustainable point. Durability is the resistance of a building and environment. In this case, how to make the building can last a long time because of the threat around the environment is minimized. It begins from site planning, the use of land that is not harmful to the building and surrounding communities.


Keywords: aerospace, astronomy, education, Gunungkidul, high school, sustainable architecture.

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