Hotel Resort dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis di Batu Malang

Fifi Ambarwati, Agung Kumoro, Leny Pramesti


Tourism in Batu is one of the largest in Indonesia with increasing of tourism in every year. Tourism development of Batu is a part of Spatial Plan and area (RTRW) in Batu Malang 2010-2030, mentioned that one of the missions of spatial Batu, namely improving the position and role of the Batu tour of the city into a tourist hub in the estimate at the regional level, or even national, i.e. by doing addition of range objects and tourist attractions that are supported with facilities and infrastructure as well as supporting elements of the tour. The condition of the natural environment of the city of Batu became the main attraction of tourists visiting, that lies in the natural beauty of the mountains, the air of coolness that is owned, as well as the quality of the water. Appropriate accommodation facilities with natural of Batu, namely in the form of Hotel Resort that serves as a place to stay and also as a means of recreation due to the location being in the tourist areas. The design problems is creating container accommodation and recreational activities in the form of buildings on the environment-friendly natural Batu Malang by considering the concept of development that notice principle of sustainability. Objective to observe the condition of the natural environment of the city of stone that must be preserved for the sake of tourism sustainability Batu Malang. The design method used is by the application of the principles of Ecological Architecture in mass processing footprint, processing buildings, and utilities on the system and the structure of the building. Results achieved i.e. building Hotel Resort by applying the principle of Ecological Architecture so that it supports the design of energy efficient buildings as well as being able to maintain the balance of natural resources, the management of waste and garbage to be able to use again and in the waste into the environment in a condition worthy of the waste so it does not pollute the environment.


Keywords : Accommodations, Ecological Arcgitecture, Resort Hotel, Kota Batu, The Natural Environment.

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