Pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support Terhadap Loss of Productivity Akibat Presenteeism pada Karyawan

Nugraini Aprilia


This study aims to study and analyze the effect of perceptions of superiors' support on lost productivity due to presenteeism in private employees who are permanent employees who have decided to be present when they are sick in the last 12 months. The sampling technique using purposive sampling obtained 159 research subjects (L = 67, P = 92). The instruments used in this study were 6 items of sub-scale perceived supervisory support developed from the Organizational Support Survey (SPOS) (Eisenberger, et al., 2001; Putri, 2007) and 12 items of lost productivity and presenteeism adapted from the Limitation of Questionnaire Work (Lerner, et al., 2001). Based on the results of data processing and analysis with statistics, it is known that the level realized by superiors supporting supports the high category with a percentage of 58%, while the loss of productivity due to presenteeism depends on the low category with a contribution of 55%. Based on the results of the hypothesis test that is considered a significant influence perceived supervisor support for the loss of productivity due to presenteeism in private employees with permanent employees who have done presenteeism in the last 12 months (B = -0,725; t = -9,207; Sig = <. 05; R2 = 35,6%).


presenteeism; productivity; supervisor support



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