Pengaruh Token Ekonomi Terhadap Pengurangan Perilaku Agresif Pada Siswa ADD di TK Inklusi PAS Baitul Qur’an Ponorogo

Umi Kulsum, Zun Azizul Hakim


Abstract Aggressive behavior is behavior that is intended to hurt someone intentionally, both physically and psychologically. Children with a diagnosis of ADD or attention deficit disorder often have behavioral problems. This study aims to determine the effect of economic tokens on reducing aggressive behavior in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) children. The research subject is a 5 year and 10 month old boy with the initials K who attends Inclusive Kindergarten and is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder ADD by a psychologist. The research method used is an experimental method in the form of single subject research with an A-B-A design, the analysis method used is a visual analysis technique of graphs (visual analysis of graph data). The results of this study state that economic tokens can reduce or reduce aggressive behavior in the form of biting behavior in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) children. This can be seen from the percentage comparison between the conditions of besaline 1 (A1) and conditions of besaline 2 (A2) which shows a decrease in the percentage of 25% to 12%.


Aggressive behavior, token economy, attention deficit disorder



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