Terapi Realitas untuk Membantu Santri Mengembangkan Self-Motivational Belief yang Positif

Fatin Philia Hikmah, Veronika Suprapti


Like educational institutions in general, pesantren cannot provide a 100% guarantee that santri will not take actions that violate the values held in pesantren. Some of them took actions of included juvenile delinquency with varying levels of seriousness. This is because the behavior of santri is not only about religious knowledge, but is also influenced by other variables, one of which is internal factors such as self-regulation abilities. According to the social-cognitive perspective, the process of self-regulation and accompanying beliefs occurs in a cycle in which there are three phases, namely: forethought, performance or volitional control, and self-reflection. One part of forethought is self-motivational belief, a self-related belief that can affect the effectiveness of a person's self-regulation process. This study is a single case study that raises the case of a santri who is committed several violations and was indicated to have negative self-motivational beliefs. The subject received 10 sessions of reality therapy for improving his self-regulation ability, as santri in pesantren and as a student in his school. After receiving reality therapy, the self-motivational beliefs developed by the subject became more positive. Two months after completion of therapy, the subject showed enthusiasm in learning at the pesantren even though his academic abilities were not as good as other friends and showed better adaptation to the rules of the pesantren.


Reality therapy; santri; self-motivational belief



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/wacana.v15i1.60372


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