Evaluasi Implementasi Program Kartu Lansia Jakarta di RW.001 Kelurahan Ulujami

Nanda Saskia Putri, Wahyu Nurharjadmo


This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Jakarta Elderly Card Program and the factors that inhibit the implementation of the Jakarta Elderly Card Program in RW.001, Ulujami Village. The research method used a descriptive analysis approach which was carried out in RW.001 Ulujami Village. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through interviews with research informants. Secondary data is obtained from documents such as books, journals, and annual documents. Checking the validity of the data was carried out using a triangulation technique. Data analysis used Miles and Hurbermen's interactive analysis technique which consisted of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The theory in this study uses the Implementation Evaluation Theory by Ripley to determine the evaluation of the implementation of the Jakarta Elderly Card Program in RW.001 Ulujami Village. The result of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Elderly Card Program in RW.001 Ulujami Village is quite effective. This can be seen from the ease of access to information regarding disbursement of funds, the easy location of DKI ATMs, the provision of cheap subsidized food to the elderly, access to free health checks, and the provision of assistance with the registration process from the village administration when encountering difficulties. While the inhibiting factors are the limited number of recipients of the Jakarta Elderly Card, the large number of elderly data that have not been included in the DTKS, the misuse of the Jakarta Elderly Card, the elderly who have deficiencies in terms of using technology.

Kata Kunci

Evaluation; Implementation; Elderly

Teks Lengkap:



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