Implementasi Strategi Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul dalam Meningkatkan Wisatawan Nasional

Eksa Zhenindo Hanif Amarullah, Tiyas Nur Haryani, Herwan Parwiyanto


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the strategy carried out by the Bantul Regency Tourism Office to boost national tourists. The reason for choosing the location in Bantul is because it has the potential for diverse and quite abundant tourist attractions so it is necessary to do the right strategy. To determine the implementation of the strategy carried out by the Bantul Regency Tourism Office, the researcher uses the theory of Hunger and Wheelen which has 3 aspects, namely programs, budgets, and procedures. This research method is qualitative descriptive. Informant determination techniques use purposive sampling with data collection techniques with interviews, observation, and documentation, data validity using triangulation techniques, and data analysis using Miles and Huberman theory, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that there is a marketing program in an effort to increase tourists who have 1 activity and are supported by 4 sub-activities. In the budget aspect, funds come from the Bantul district budget. In LKPJ, the Bantul Regency Tourism Office in 2022 has a total budget of 34 billion, and the total budget for tourism marketing programs reaches 1.9 billion or 5.74% of the total budget. Then for procedures, the Bantul Regency Tourism Office does not yet have a written SOP for managing tourism marketing programs. So far, the Bantul Regency Tourism Office has carried out activities based on gradual habits that have been carried out from time to time.

Kata Kunci

Strategy Implementation; Tourists; Tourism; Kabupaten Bantul

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