Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah (BMD) Kota Semarang dan Kabupaten Pati

Cika Rania Alya Putri, Priyanto Susiloadi


This study aims to understand the process of managing Regional Property (BMD) in Semarang City and Pati Regency and identify ways to optimize the management. This research uses the results of the elaboration between the principles of Good Governance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the principles and principles of BMD Management, namely Transparency, Accountability, Rule of Law, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Participation, Consensus Orientation, Strategic Vision, Justice, Responsiveness, and Certainty of Value. This principle was chosen because of its relevance to the optimization of BMD management. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis followed the Miles Huberman and Saldana model, including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that both BPKAD Semarang City and BPKAD Pati Regency were not fully optimal in managing BMD. This is influenced by factors such as limited human resource capacity, limited access to information, and lack of information support tools in the BMD management process. Suggestions for both agencies are to create a special website that serves to report data and information regarding the management of Regional Property so that the public can access it easily and both agencies can create a special complaint service or hotline related to the management of Regional Property.

Kata Kunci

Regional Property; Optimisation of Management; Optimisation of Regional Property Management

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