Collaborative Governance dalam Mengatasi Penyalahgunaan Narkoba di Kota Surakarta

Ivana Dewi Kasita, Sudarmo Sudarmo


This study aims to determine the collaborative governance process carried out by the Surakarta BNNK with the Surakarta Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, the Cahaya Kusuma Bangsa Foundation, and the Surakarta Children's Forum in overcoming drug abuse cases through the P4GN and Kelurahan Bersinar programs. This is motivated by the city of Surakarta which ranks second highest in the distribution and abuse of narcotics in Central Java and the low drug danger response index, ironically during the Covid-19 pandemic this case has reached students. So there needs to be collaboration from various parties to overcome these problems. In this study, the theory of Emerson, et al (2012) was used to examine the collaboration process through three components, namely the dynamics of collaboration, collaborative actions, and the impact and adaptation of the collaboration process. This research is included in the qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis in this study used source triangulation techniques. Then the data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the research show that the collaborative process has been carried out in various ways, but it was found that there were still collaboration actors who did not yet have an MoU and there were no local regulations that specifically discussed the Kelurahan Bersinar program. In addition, the lack of availability of funds is also an obstacle to the collaboration process to achieve collaboration goals.

Kata Kunci

Collaborative governance; drug abuse; collaboration process; Kelurahan Bersinar; P4GN

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