Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pengguna Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official) di Kota Surakarta

Eduardus Giga Kristofer, Herwan Parwiyanto


One form of smart city launched by the Surakarta City government is the Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official) application. Judging from the ratings and community reviews contained in the Google Playstore shows a low level of satisfaction and there are various complaints from the public against the Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official) application. Quantitative research with the type of associative research is used to see the relationship or influence between two or more variables. This study uses a model from Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) namely End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) which is specifically used to measure the level of user satisfaction of an information system which includes 5 factors namely content, accuracy, timeliness of form, ease of use. Data processing was carried out using the SPSS program to determine the results of each hypothesis test. The data analysis includes instrument test, classical assumption test, t test (partial test), and coefficient of determination test (R2). The results of the study are the variables of accuracy and ease of use have an influence on user satisfaction of Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official). On the other hand, for the variables of content, timeliness, and form, there is no effect on user satisfaction of Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official).

Kata Kunci

End User Computing Satisfaction; Satisfaction; Info Lalin Solo Dishub Kota Surakarta (Official)

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