Collaborative Governance pada Implementasi Kebijakan Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (E-Tilang) di Kota Surakarta

Awab Sajid, Wahyu Nurharjadmo


Indonesian Police department as a public service provider always will to make some innovation in his public service. One of the innovation that done was make the conventional ticket to become e-ticket. In Surakarta City, e-ticket has taken effect on March, 23 2021, so this policy is still classified as a recently implemented policy. Therefore, this study aims to see how e-ticketing works, and see who is involved and what are their roles in this policy, as seen from collaborative governance aspect. and to see what factors that influence the implementation of e-ticketing in Surakarta City. This research is a qualitative research and using interview, observation, and documentation methods. This study found that there were five actors who played a role in the implementation of e-tickets, including the Surakarta Department Police, the Surakarta City District Court, the Surakarta City District Attorney, PT Melayani Cakrawala Nusantara, and PT Pos Indonesia. The five actors have their own roles in the implementation of e-tickets in Surakarta City. And in its implementation there are factors that will affect its implementation. This study uses George Edward III's theory which states that there are four factors that influence policy implementation, which are communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. In implementing the e-ticketing policy in Surakarta City, these four factors are factors that support the implementation of e-tickets and and not distrub the policy implementation progress.

Kata Kunci

Actors; Collaborative Governance; E-tickets; Factors

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