Implementasi Program Inovasi Mitigasi Bencana Titip Bandaku di Kabupaten Klaten

Gayatri Widya Indryani, Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi


This study examines the implementation process and determines the successful implementation of the disaster mitigation program conducted by Klaten district through the Titip Bandaku program. Klaten district, as a disaster-prone area that has a range of potential disasters, compels disaster risk reduction and one of which is the Titip Bandaku Program. The Titip Bandaku Program is the only public service innovation program based on disaster mitigation in Central Java created by Klaten Regency and won the Central Java’s Public Service Innovation Competition Award (KIPP). This study is carried out using the implementation theory by David C. Korten to determine the success implementation of the program. This study employs a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach by collecting data through interviews, observation, and documentation studies.. The result of the study shows that the Titip Bandaku Program is currently only being implemented in disaster prone areas of Merapi III. The program aims to be applicable in all the high risk areas in the Klaten district. The implementation of the Bandaku Titip Program has been successfully implemented in the Merapi III disaster-prone area by conforming in three aspects using David C. Korten's Conformity theory. The implementation of the Bandaku Titip Program shows the capability of the program for the rescue of important archives of the community in the disaster-prone areas.

Kata Kunci

disaster mitigation; implementation; innovation

Teks Lengkap:



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UU No 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana


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