Implementasi Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) di Kecamatan Musuk Kabupaten Boyolali

Bagaskara Dwi Wahyu Jati, Priyanto Susiloadi


The Community Led Total Sanitation Program (CLTS) is an approach to changing the character of hygiene and sanitation behavior through community empowerment through the triggering method. One of the areas in Boyolali Regency, Musuk District, is an area that implements the CLTS program where this program requires clean water to carry out the first, second and third pillar of the CLTS program. The Musuk District community also relies on livestock as one of the livelihoods, the fourth pillar and the fifth pillar trying to change the behavior of the Musuk District community in processing waste and liquid waste in the environment in which they live. This study aims to determine the implementation of the CLTS program in Musuk District using the theory of policy implementation according to Grindle which consists of: content of policy and context of policy. This type of research uses descriptive research methods with qualitative methods, data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that all parameters such as content of policy and context of policy had been implemented properly. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, parameters such as program implementers, namely monitoring and evaluation activities, also funding resources, were hampered.

Kata Kunci

CLTS; implementation; program

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