Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Si Terpa Daya Jiwa di RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Nichen Ayu Sulistyorini, Sudaryanti Sudaryanti


This study discuss and describe Si Terpa Daya Jiwa public service innovation from RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi. The description of innovation, referring to the determining factor of the success of innovation from Rogers (2003) in (Hutagalung & Hermawan, 2018), which contains attributes of innovation, communication channels, agents of change, and social systems. In this research used qualitative descriptive with interviews, observation, and documentation as data collection technique. Informant determination technique is purposive sampling with source triangulation as data validity. Data analysis technique is from Miles and Huberman. The results of the study showed that inovation has been accepted by the community and show the success of the implementation of mental health services innovation. Innovation provides benefit and successfully solves the problems of people with mental disorders. Innovation has been accordance with the values, users and service providers needs. In addition, the innovation is easy to understand and carried out by people with mental disorder. The dissemination of information is by face-to-face communication and electronic mass media. But there are obstacles in the beginning of the implementation, such as people with mental disorder choose to live alone, hospital management, the marketing of the products, and now there is covid pandemic.

Kata Kunci

people with mental disorder; public services innovation; si terpa daya jiwa

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