Pertimbangan Hakim PT Bandung Dalam Kasus Tindak Pidana Korupsi Secara Berlanjut

Immanuel Laurence


            The purposes of this research are to find the appeal compatibility about corruption case of procurement goods manipulation by ex-chief of Manpower and Transmigration Department in Tasikmalaya, Drs. H. Adam Wahid Iskandar, MH., with article 233 KUHAP and compatibility of Corruption High Court consideration to Corruption High Court Bandung that make heavier sentence than prosecution with article 183 Jo article 193 KUHAP. This research is a normative legal research which is perspective using case approach. Technique legal materials collection that is used in this research is library research. The legal materials are primary legal material and secondary legal material.


            According to the result of the research and analysis, the conclusion are (1) the appeal of defendant, Dr. Ahmad Wahid Iskandar, MH. bin Iskandar, to the verdict of Bandung State Court in the case of corruption is qualified in regulation and procedure as stated in article 233 KUHAP (2) Bandung High Court verdict is heavier than prosecution with some considerations that defendant is proven legally and convincingly guilty in the case of corruption as stated in article 3 jo article 18 Law Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 31 Of 1999 that has been modified and added with Law Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 20 Of 2001 about Combating Corruption jo article 64 verse (1) KUHP in indictment and also includes additional charges that High Court considers that verdict of Bandung State Court on 22 Oktober 2013 Number 65/Pid.sus/TPK/2013/PN.Bdg that has been appealed can be preserved with some revisions.


           Key word: Corruption, Appeal, Court Consideration, Court Verdic

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