Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor : 1616k/Pid.Sus/2013 Mengenai Pertimbangan Penjatuhan Hukuman Tambahan Pembayaran Uang Pengganti Terhadap Permohonan Kasasi Penuntut Umum

Adi Budi Raharjo


      Judge carelessness in making decision could potentially hinder the criminal justice process in Indonesia. One of them is related principles in the Integrated Criminal Justice System that held fast, low cost, and simple. Interest focused on a dissenting opinion in the case concerning the sentencing judgment for compensation in the cassation prosecutors in corruption cases Supreme Court Decision Number: 1616K / PID.SUS / 2013.

       This research is legal prescriptive and applied. The approach used by the author in this legal research is the approach of the case (case approach). Types of legal materials that are used in this paper is a secondary law. Primary law materials used are legislation and the verdict of the Supreme Court number 1616K/PID.SUS/2013, while secondary law is legal materials obtained from library materials in the form of explanations that are not directly acquired through the study of literature , archives relating to the problems examined such charges, demands, verdict, cassation, and scientific writings and other written sources.

      In this study will be discussed on a review of the verdict of the Supreme Court No. 1616K/PID.SUS 2013 related to the suitability of cassation prosecutor about sentencing for compensation based on the consideration of the supreme court judges in check and decide the appeal.

     Keywords: compensation, appeal, corruption

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