Evaluasi PPDB Sistem Zonasi Tahun 2021/2022 dalam Pelayanan Publik Sektor Pendidikan oleh Ombudsman RI Jawa Tengah

Dewi Ayu Wulandari, Nila Arzaqi, Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, Yuwanto Yuwanto


PPDB zoning system is the acceptance of new students through the mechanism of school distance from the residence of prospective students. Therefore the quantity of the capacity of new students in the zoning area is the most important. This study aims to evaluate the PPDB mechanism in Central Java with the 2021/2022 zoning system by the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of Central Java as a public service provider. The research method uses qualitative methods using an intrinsic case study approach, data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The results of research and discussion related to the PPDB evaluation in Central Java with the 2021/2022 zoning system by the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of Central Java: Communication Factors in PPDB Policy Dissemination Lack of socialization of the PPBD zoning system results in a lack of public understanding when their children cannot go to school in the desired place because they are constrained by zoning policy, PPDB 2021/2022 has been carried out online, there are still many parents/students who are still confused about how to register. Commitment Factors for Central and Regional PPDB Regulations PPDB regulations for the zoning system in the regions should refer to references from the center. Technical Implementation of PPBD 2021/2022, Several inconsistencies in the technical guidelines for implementing PPDB 2021/2022 that occurred in several districts spread across Central Java based on reports and supervision of the Ombudsman RI Central Java. The implementation of the PPDB selection by SMP N 1 Karanganyar was not in accordance with technical instructions because it was carried out online and offline.


PPDB; Zoning System; RI Ombudsman


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