Lahmuddin Zuhri, Hanuring Ayu, Roli Febrianto


Traditional villages are of particular concern to the government as a means of developing and preserving local wisdom, customs and cultural values of Indonesian society. It is felt that the existence of local wisdom is fading among various community groups. The fading existence of local wisdom cannot be separated from the reality of modernization and globalization. Village regulations regarding the village are a very important instrument. Village regulations aim to provide a strong legal basis for protecting, promoting and rebuilding the sustainability of traditional villages. Through this village regulation, it is hoped that various aspects related to the lives of traditional village communities can be regulated, starting from natural resource management, community empowerment, to preserving cultural heritage. Village regulations regarding traditional villages aim to recognize and respect traditional rights and the existence of traditional villages as part of local cultural wealth and identity. This is important considering that many traditional villages have different value systems, norms and customary rules. By officially recognizing the existence of traditional villages, it is hoped that it can strengthen the cultural identity of local communities and provide legal legitimacy to the traditional practices carried out. Village regulations regarding traditional villages in Sumbawa Regency in order to protect the values, norms and existence of social capital owned by village communities in the Regency, in the form of: Protection of traditional villages as cultural heritage and traditions of the local community; regulation of community life as a traditional village tool helps regulate the daily life of the community, including in terms of social structure and government; instruments for resolving problems and conflicts in society that enable faster resolution and are in accordance with the values and norms that apply in village society; strengthening collective identity and solidarity of village communities; legitimacy and government recognition of local values in the form of formally formulated village regulations; sustainable natural resource management tools that are regulated in accordance with the values and local wisdom of the local village community, making the village feel like a traditional village

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