Dara Pustika Sukma, Itok Dwi Kurniawan


The relationship between the political subsystem and the legal subsystem appears that politics has a greater concentration of energy so the law is always in a weak position. Since the concern here is the legal aspect of life as an indicator of the growth of community welfare, then explore the factors that allow the growth of social and political power and law. The growth of law in society is influenced by political power regarding its physical, the scope of its applicability, the implementing body, the personnel of legal positions, as well as aspects of its function, Law Number: 35 of 1999, remains a perfection in the legal system in the future, because it will present a judiciary that is free and independent in carrying out its functions, as well as free from other external influences. The influence of political power on the judiciary will not occur if there is no government intervention in all decisions taken by the institution.

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Undang-undang No. 35 tahun 1999 tentang Mahkamah Agung.


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