Faishal Muhadzib, Adriana Grahani Firdaus


This articles discuss about the role of the Village Consultative Bureau in conducting an oversight act towards an use of village fund management in Talang village, sub district of Jogorogo, Ngawi Regency, parts of East Java Province and its potential troubles will occurs in the future faced by The village Consultative bureau
when conducting act of oversight towards the use of Village Fund Management in general. The Result of the research and discussion showing that the oversight act on Village Fund use management underwent several processes in its Oversight act phases, including: planning phas , implementation phase and realization phase, as well as reporting and accountability. the Village Consultative Bureau encountered some problems, such as an inexperience of some Village Consultative members, lacks of coordination between Village consultative mebers and the village office clerek and some another problems.

Keywords: Fund Management; Village Consultative Bureau; Oversight

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