Rahayu Subekti, Wida Astuti


The purpose of this study was to determine the form of land mastery by residents to the railway control room land in the City of Surakarta and to know the rights that granted to residents who dominate the railway control room land in the City of Surakarta.

This study includes in the non doctrinal legal research type or empirical legal research. Meanwhile, when seen from nature including in the qualitative descriptive research, which is a study that describes the form of land mastery by residents the railway control room land in Surakarta region. In this study used primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using qualitative analysis with deductive and inductive thinking, a combination was based on three main components which include data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.

Based on research results can be known, that the mastery of railway control room land in the Surakarta region has been made since a long time and is done for generations, and takes the form of land rent in writing between PT. KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta and residents. Land rent between PT. KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta and land tenants performed for a year, and will be extended if it has not been used for the activity of PT. KAI. The land tenant rights is PT KAI obligation as well as the obligations of the land tenant is the right of PT KAI DAOPS 6 Yogyakarta. As for the rights of land tenants are in accordance with the tenant rights in generally that accepted the land in accordance with the agreement, it is stipulated in the agreement made between the PT KAI Daops 6 Yogyakarta and the land tenant.

Suggestions, should be made the rules that particularly regulate about the land rent because during this time is no detail provision in the UUPA.


Keywords:     land mastery, railway control, surakarta

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