Aksentuasi Kebijakan Kabupaten /Kota Layak Anak dalMemberikan Perlindungan dan Pemenuhan Hak Anak di Kabupaten Boyolali

Satryo Sasono, , Isharyanto


This paper examines the management of child-responsive policies within the framework of Child Friendly Districts in Boyolali Regency as an effort to guarantee the protection and fulfillment of children's rights. This research is non doctrinal legal research or prescriptive sociological legal research using a statutory approach and case approach. This research uses primary legal sources in the form of related laws, and secondary legal sources, namely writings that have a relationship with the object of research and the results of interviews with the Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office of Boyolali Regency. This research shows that 1) the form of intervention of the Boyolali Regency local government in realizing a Child Friendly Regency is realized in legal substance through Boyolali Regency Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Child Protection along with other supporting derivative regulations. The fulfillment and protection of children's rights is carried out by integrating KLA into the 2021-2026 RPJMD (Regional Medium Development Plan) and is part of the Boyolali Regent's Mission, namely realizing Healthy Boyolali, and Child Friendly which is the IKK (Key Performance Indicator). 2) The inhibiting factors in the implementation of child-friendly district policies are caused by 3 (three) key factors, namely legal formulation in the form of the absence of specific arrangements regarding KLA obligations in government administration in sub-districts and villages, then legal structure that has not been fully understood by the Regional Apparatus implementing policies in the KLA Task Force and 3) the cultural culture of the community which causes obstacles to KLA in the region.


kebijakan layak anak; hak anak; perlindungan anak

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