Penegakan Kode Etik Jurnalistik sebagai Dasar Pengaturan Profesionalitas dan Independensi Wartawan

Chiara Sabrina Ayurani, Isharyanto Isharyanto


This research examines, first, whether in carrying out their profession, journalists have implemented professionalism and independence in implementing the Journalistic Code of Ethics, second, what is the role of the Press Council in enforcing the Journalistic Code of Ethics against journalists. This research is a prescriptive normative legal research. Types of legal materials include primary and secondary legal materials, as well as non-legal materials or tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials is obtained through literature study through data on complaints reports, books, journals, and also directly through interviews. The results show that the application of the Journalistic Code of Ethics to journalists as mandated by the Press Law is important because it shows the seriousness of the parties involved in carrying out the mandate of the Press Law. The Press Council as an institution that has the function of overseeing the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics in its implementation has carried out this function well. However, with regard to the application of the Journalistic Code of Ethics itself, there are still many obstacles so that serious efforts are needed so that all related parties can carry out the mandate of the Press Law.
Keywords : press law; press council; journalistic code of ethic.


press law; press council; journalistic code of ethic.

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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan

Undang – Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 tentang Pers

Peraturan Dewan Pers Nomor 6/Peraturan-DP/V/2008 tentang Pengesahan Surat Keputusan Dewan Pers Nomor 03/SK-DP/III/2006 tentang Kode Etik Jurnalistik Sebagai Peraturan Dewan Pers


Dewan Pers. 2020. “Kode Etik Jurnalistik”., diakses pada 28 Oktober 2020 pukul 12.39 WIB.

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