Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Desa di Desa Wareng Kecamatan Butuh Kabupaten Purworejo

Luna Raisah, , Suranto



This study aims to determine the implementation of the functions of the Wareng Village Consultative Body in the formation of village regulations in Wareng Village, as well as to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by the Wareng Village Consultative Body when carrying out its duties in forming village regulations in Wareng Village. This research is empirical legal research which is descriptive and qualitative in nature. Types and sources of research data used are primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques through interviews and retrieval of textual study information for secondary data analysis. Then analyzed using data analysis techniques with a qualitative analysis model. This research was conducted in Wareng Village, Butuh District, Purworejo Regency. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the function of the Wareng Village Consultative Body in the formation of village regulations in Wareng Village is not in accordance with Indonesian Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages because the Wareng Village Consultative Body has not performed its function optimally. At several stages in the formation of village regulations, initiation of the Wareng Village Consultative Body is still lacking compared to the Village Chief, Furthermore, it was found that there was a lack of assistance for the Village Consultative Body in the formation of village regulations, as well as a lack of persistence of the Village Consultative Body in carrying out its work. This is coupled with the low level of education of the Village Consultative Council members and the lack of facilities for the Village Consultative Body in the form of the Village Consultative Body Office which results in the Village Consultative Council's archives not being kept properly. However, in despite all these obstacles, the Village Consultative Body in carrying out its functions has full support from the community and good cooperation with the village government, namely the Village Chief.



village; village consultative body; village regulation

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