Achmad Achmad, Fajar Dwi Cahyo
The writing of this law was written to examine the implementation of duty and authority of local government of karanganyar in the management of garbage to support the regional development of the problems faced. This law research uses descriptive empirical research, the source of research consists of primary and secondary law materials, techniques of collecting data used are literature study related a legislation, official document and field technique using interview. Based the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the local government of karanganyar As efforts to support the regional development, waste management that was done by local government of Karanganyar. First, determine the wisdom and waste management strategy, with cultivate and increase the awareness of society in waste management and Facilitated , develop and do the efforts to decrease, handling and garbage usage. Second, organize the territory scale of waste management that appropriate with norm, standard, procedure and criteria that determined by government. Third, do the founding and supervision the waste management performance that was done by saving temporary place, the integrated of waste management place and the place for the end of garbage process. Factors that hamper waste management which doing by local government of Karanganyar to regional development. First, technically operations are overload TPS, delays in a garbage of the TPS, the less of the transportation, the less freight of the garbage, and limited facilities and infrastructure of waste management. Second, the less of the calculation that has of local government. Third, the less of the professional human resources. Four, the absence of government commitment and support, and not yet enforced of local regulation of karanganyar regency No. 16 of 2010 on waste management and retribution service of garbage cleanliness.
Duty, Authority, Management of Garbage, Regional Development
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Internet 2 Februari 2017
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