Integration Physics On Hahslm Theory With Big Bang And Shalat IED

RM Aziz


Abstract: The reflexivity research aims to find the consistency of the Theory Hahslm that derived from Quran 15.87 to other empirical study about the creation of universe such as the Big Bang concept and Golden Ratio. Also fasting and creation in Islamic life are analogued with process of creation in universe. After fasting there are two Ied pray that shows about the duration of creation process and the numbers of movement in those two worship. The data was compiled from intrepretation of some sentences in Quran, empirical data about Moslem activities, numerology in modern Mathematic and data of Physics. Metodology used similarity formation method and descriptive analysis. Conslusions are: Allah has an equation to create universe known as Hahslm or 472319. These formula appeared in Quran 21.30 with simplicity of 725, Ied pray as 725 numbers, Golden ratio with equation of 360=72x5, and Big Bang process. Recommendation is Islamic scholars should use theory Hahslm to integrate the conventional studies. Theoretical implication is the mainstream theory about universe and life should refer to Theory H. 



Hahslm, Universe, Big Bang, Golden Ratio, Ied Pray, 725, 472319

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