Sisi Rosida


Abstract:  The existence of the Snake Market which provides used goods from the past, is one of the places that is often hunted by antique connoisseurs. This study examines the sociolect variations of antique traders in the Snake Market in Medan City. Sociolect is identical in language variations that are formed due to social factors. The purpose of the study was to describe the forms of sociolect variation and the language variation factors of the Snake Market traders. This study uses a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. The results showed that the sociolect was formed in three varieties, namely: lexicon variations as Medan Malay vocabulary, phonological variations formed the clarity of vowels /a/ and /e/ and the pronunciation of vowel sounds /ə/ became vocal /e/, and syntactic variations were formed. from the Medan dialect where the language develops in the local socio-cultural environment. The factors that cause the emergence of sociolects come from educational factors where traders come from mountainous areas so that they do not receive high education and socio-cultural factors of traders stick to the kinship system so that the duration more use of their local language.


language variation; sociolect; sociolinguistic; merchant language; snake market

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