SF Lukfianka Sanjaya Purnama, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: Research on women and video games usually discusses women as gamers and women as characters or representations in video games. This paper focuses on women as characters or representations in video games. Most of the research in this area deals with women in a negative way as is usually portrayed by existing tips about women. In its development, the discussion of women as characters in the game also began to discuss how these characters show countertypes about women. The focus of this paper, which is at the same time a novelty, is the paradox of the characterization of women in video games; how stereotypes and countertypes are represented in one female character The Boss in the video game titled Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The analysis in this paper uses Sara Mills' critical discourse analysis model, the theory of stereotypes and countertypes in games and popular culture, and narrative elements and game mechanics. The results of the analysis show that the existing stereotype is that women are described as weak and need help, and women as objects of sexuality, in this case in terms of appearance. The stereotype appears in the narrative element but does not appear in the mechanical element. The counter stereotype that appears in the characterization of The Boss is that women are strong, even more powerful and powerful than men. In contrast to stereotypes, the countertypes reflected by The Boss appear in narrative and mechanical elements. In terms of the subject-object position of the story, the stereotype that emerges is dominated by The Boss as the storyteller's subject, while the counter-stereotype shows a balanced position as the subject and object of the story.


video games; women; stereotypes; gender; discourse analysis

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