Yudha Nirmala, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This research aims to identify the form and functions of antonymy cohesion used in the column rubric of PikiranRakyat.com. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using reading method and note-taking technique in collecting the data. Data were analysed by the method of agih and Bagi Unsur Langsung (BUL) techniques. The object of this research is the lexical cohesion of antonyms in the column rubric with the theme of scarcity of cooking oil in Indonesia published by PikiranRakyat.com, and the data of this research is the utterances of the column authors in which there is antonym cohesion. The data sources for this study are 10 articles published between April 6 and May 2, 2022 in the column rubric on PikiranRakyat.com on the lack of cooking oil in Indonesia. According to the research, there are four forms of lexical cohesion of antonyms: compound, polar, absolute, and relational. Column is a text that provides the author's exclusive view, which in this instance incorporates numerous components of criticism and opinions that are opposite to the government's policies or acts. The usage of meaning opposition is designed to make the text more cohesive and coherent.


antonymy lexical cohesion; cooking oil; column

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