Virginia Hanandita, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This study aims to describe the missing elements, the missing elements in the function of the lingual unit, and the function of the ellipsis in the novel entitled Teknik by Renita Nozaria on the Wattpad novel website. The data in this study are in the form of utterances or dialogs carried out between characters in which there is an element of disappearance. The data source in this study is the novel Teknik by Renita Nozaria on the Wattpad novel website. Data collection techniques in this study were listening techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis method used is the billing method. The ellipsis found in the novel Teknik by Renita Nozaria on the Wattpad novel website is in the form of word, phrase and clause ellipsis. Meanwhile, the lingual units used are subject, predicate, object, and description, where the lingual unit which is used the most is the lingual unit which has a function as a predicate. The purpose of using ellipsis or embedding in the novel Teknik by Renita Nozaria on the Wattpad novel website is for practicality when communicating orally, for sentence effectiveness, practicality, and language efficiency, as well as activating readers' thoughts on things that are not expressed in speech.


dissipation; ellipsis; discourse; novel

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