Putri Sopyanti


Abstract: The position of women in several mass media writings contains many injustices. This later turned into a culture that developed in society, making it difficult for women to get out of all the labels attached. Starting from this culture, several streams of feminism emerged to fight for the rights of women who were trapped in this injustice. The purpose of this study later is to determine the position of the subject or object of women in the text. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a critical discourse analysis approach. This study emphasizes the analysis of documentation by reviewing published written sources, namely the news entitled Karangan Selingkuh Bikin Mawar ex Afi Dipolisikan Mantan Suami dan   Geram bajunya disebut jadi alasan mantan suami selingkuh, Mawar AFI unggah video diduga baby sitter: Kudu…”. Markers such as “dipolisikan mantan suami ” in the first news text and “bajunya disebut jadi alasan mantan suami selingkuh” indicate the issue of women's emancipation in it. Contains an overview of the position of the subject and object of the story so that it can be determined how the text is presented to the reader.


text; news; stereotype; object; subject

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