Abstract: This study aims to describe the image of women in the novel Kekasih Musim Gugur by Laksmi Pamuntjak using feminist literary critism theory, and its relevance as an alternative to literary teaching materials in high school. This research was conducted through a qualitative descriptive. The data source in this research is novel Kekasih Musim Gugur by Laksmi Pamuntjak fisrts edition. the steps for data collection with qualitative techniques, library techniques, reading techniques, note-taking tecniques. Data analysis using descriptive analysis method. The form of data in the reasearch is the form of words, phrases, sentences, and discourses contained in the novel Kekasih Musim Gugur by Laksmi Pamuntjak, chosen according to the main problem in this study, namely feminism in the novel Kekasih Musim Gugur by Laksmi Pamuntjak. The results obtained in the form of woman image in the Srikandi, Dara, Mrs Kenny character. (1) self-image of woman which include physical and psychological aspects. (2) the social image of women in the family and society.
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