Luthf Annisa, Intan Puji Aisyah, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This study aims to compare the types of synonymous lexical cohesion in children's short story anthology entitled "Mencari Ujung Pelangi" and teenage’s short story anthology entitled "Piala di Atas Dangau". Data sources in this study were 3 of the 10 best manuscripts that won in the national level story writing competition, namely the LMCA (Children's Story Writing Competition) and LMCR (Youth Story Writing Competition) published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016. This research is a discourse analysis research conducted by using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data in this study are in the form of utterances or dialogues containing synonyms. Data collection was obtained by using the method of listening to the note-taking method. Data analysis in this study used the agih method with replacement or substitution techniques. Relying on the three stories from each short story anthology, synonymous lexical cohesion was found more in children's short story anthology than in the anthology of short stories for teenage. There are 53 types of synonyms found in the enthology of short stories for children, while teenage’s short story anthology, only 33 types of synonyms are found, this is because the use of synonyms in children's stories serves to explain common words for children. The most common types of synonyms found are word-to-word synonyms.


discourse analysis; children's stories; teenage’s stories; synonyms

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