Hanafi Wibowo, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract:  The problems discussed in this study, namely: (1) what is the macrostructure that triggered the discourse of the President in office during the Three Periods; (2) what is the microstructure that triggered the discourse of the President in office for the Three Periods; and (3) how is the superstructure that triggered the discourse of the President in office for the Three Period. The aims of this study are (1) to describe the macrostructure that triggered the discourse on the President in office for Three Periods; (2) describe the microstructure that triggered the discourse of the President in office for Three Periods; and (3) describe the superstructure that triggered the discourse of the President in office for Three Periods. This research is a type of qualitative research. The approach used in this research is van Dijk's critical discourse analysis model. The source of the data in this study is the Video Mata Najwa Episode Gaduh Tiga Periode which was uploaded by the Youtube Channel Narasi Newsroom on March 21, 2021. The data in this study is written data in the form of words, sentences, paragraphs, and discourse transcription of event conversations. eye najwa rowdy 3 periods. Data collection in this study was carried out by analyzing the text from the transcript of the Mata Najwa Episode 'Gaduh Tiga Periode' and interviewing two observers of political communication. This study aims to describe the critical discourse analysis of van Dijk's AWK model constructed by Najwa Sihab as the host of the Mata Najwa program "Gaduh Tiga Periode" The data analysis method in this study used documentation and observation methods. The method of presenting data in this study is an informal presentation. The results and discussion of this research showed that the thematic or the main topics found in the discourse of "Gaduh Tiga Periode" have a very small possibility to be realized because the main figure, namely Jokowi, has firmly rejected the discourse and the possibility of an amendment to the Constitution which regulates the term of office of the President. into three periods is impossible to happen, because it requires a long process. Furthermore, from the semantic form, Najwa Shihab as the presenter is more dominant in expressing details as much as 9 data or 37%, containing elements of intent as much as 8 data or 33%, building a background of 4 data or 17% and making presuppositions as much as 3 data or 13%. From the schematic form, the discourse "Gaduh Tiga Periode" has a coherent scheme, in the form of introduction, content, and closing as found in speech titles in general.


critical discourse; Mata Najwa; van Dijk

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