Abstract: This study examines the pattern of sentences in essays by BIPA students in Hanoi, Vietnam. The data in this study are in the form of sentences written by BIPA students in Hanoi, Vietnam which show the existence of simple and complex sentence patterns. The data sources in this study were 20 essays by BIPA students in Hanoi, Vietnam. This study used qualitative method, and used notes method for collecting the data. This study used Agih method by applying the Direct Element Sharing technique as the basic technique and using the transformation technique as an advanced technique. The results of data analysis showed that the written sentences of BIPA students in Hanoi Vietnam can be categorized into two, namely simple and complex sentences. The simplex sentences can be classified into five patterns based on their syntactic function, namely S-P, S-P-O, S-P-Adv, S-P-Comp, and S-P-O-Comp. Meanwhile, complex sentences in written sentences by BIPA students in Hanoi Vietnam tend to use equivalent complex sentences with the S-P-Ket-Conj-S-P-Adv pattern. Conjunctions found in BIPA students' written sentences are coordinating conjunctions and time subordinating conjunctions. In coordinating conjunctions, BIPA students use the conjunction "and", meanwhile, in time subordinating conjunctions, BIPA students use the conjunction "then, then, after that, and before".
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