Fina Muhimah


Abstract:  This study discusses the components of a basic verb meaning of the word have a relative sense of ‘fall’. The purpose of this analysis is to describe verbs included in lexical field of ‘fall’, it’s relation of meaning and to mention the meaning component of each word. The type of this research is qualitative research with semantic and syntax approach. To analyze the meaning components, the researchers provide data through the method refer to the record. Data in this research is words included in lexical field of ‘fall’ in Java language, Banyumas dialect. Sources of data used is a sentence that comes from Banyumas articles and interviewes with native speakers of Banyumas dialect. Data analysis in this research using the method of agih in the form of substitution technique and permutation technique. All lexemes which researcher found are described in detailed description. The results of research on the basic meaning of meaningful verbs revealed seven words, ie the word tiba, ambrol, anjlog, ceblok, gigal, kebancang, keblebet, keblusuk, kedongsok, kejengkang, kepaduk, keplarak, kepleset, kerungkeb, kesrimpung, ngglosor, ngglundung and rogol. By the highest number of meaning components, the basic meaning found of the verb ‘fall’ is tiba. The differentiating components emerging from these eighteen words can be seen from the target, the method, the shape, the direction of motion, the reason, the distance and the time frame. Of the seven components of the differentiator, discovered that the relation meaning of the eighteenth word are opposite and interconnections relations.


components of meaning; verb “fall”; meaning relation; banyumas dialect

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