Faradika Darman


Abstract:  Teon, Nila, and Serua (TNS) are three of the 62 local languages in Maluku. These three languages become identities for the Teon Nila Serua’s (TNS) ethnic. History records that in the past these three ethnic groups lived on three different small islands but were bound by strong kinship relations. However, in 1978 these three ethnic groups migrated to the plains of Seram Island in Central Maluku. This study tries to examine and dig deeper into how the kinship of these three ethnicities is seen from a linguistic perspective by utilizing the Comparative Historical Linguistics (LHK) approach. The method used is qualitative and quantitative by utilizing lexicostatistic and glottochronology. The research data is in the form of basic Swadesh vocabulary in the three languages. The results showed that the three languages had a fairly high level of kinship, namely belonging to the language family level and experiencing lexical innovations.


linguistics; history; TNS; Maluku

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