Chrisnatama Tangguh Prasetyo, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This article aims to describe the use of references in the short story short story Kompas “Beruntungnya Pak Joyo” by Luhur Sastya Pambudi Joyo. The source of the data in this study is the short story "Beruntungnya Pak Joyo" by Sastya Pambudi Joyo. The data of this research are in the form of words and phrases in the short story "Beruntungnya Pak Joyo" which contains referential markers. Methods of data collection using the method of listening and note taking. The method of data analysis in this research is the distribution method with the technique for direct elements. The findings obtained are persona references in the form of us, me, them, him, me, and him. Demonstrative references include at that time, in the past, that morning, early days, Jakarta, on the floor, in front of him, in a small house, next to a sofa, and in a place full of torture. In a comparative reference in the form of as.


short story; reference; discourse analysis

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