Candik Ayunikmah, Rimba Eka Cahyadi, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: In delivering the speech, President Joko Widodo uses various different sentence types so that the meaning of the speech can be delivered properly. This research is descriptive qualitative which is aimed to identify the domination of declarative sentence mode in President Joko Widodo’s speech at 46th UNS anniversary. Data are declarative sentence from speech text in a form of transcript which is taken from Youtube video. Data in this research are analyzed using theory of sentence mode by Ramlan (2005). Result of this research showed that there are three sentence modes used in the speech such as declarative sentence, imperative sentence, and interrogative sentence. In this research, it is shown that declarative sentence is used dominantly by President Joko Widodo in his speech. The use of declarative sentence is for giving information to the audience about the health and economy condition and situation of Indonesia and the solution to those problems.


declarative sentence mode; syntax; president’s speech

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