Arsyandikayani Arsyandikayani, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Prasetya Adi Wisnu WIbowo


Abstract:  Greetings have the most frequency used in social interactions in people with heterogeneous social backgrounds. Greeting is one of the important language components to determine the continuity of interaction. The choice of greeting reflects differences in social variables, on the other hand, social variables also determine the reason why speakers choose a greeting system. Therefore, further research is needed to understand the relationship between the two. This study aims to describe 1) the type of greeting used in the novel, and 2) the social variables behind the use of greeting. The research data is in the form of a lingual unit containing greetings, while the research data source used is the novel Dom Sumurup ing Banyu by Suparto Brata. Data collection techniques used library techniques, listening techniques, and note-taking techniques. The data analysis method used is the agih and matching method. Data analysis shows that the types of greetings are described 1) based on phonological characteristics in the form of reduction of initial and final syllables, 2) based on morphological characteristics in the form of morphemes, words or phrases, 3) based on syntactic characteristics, they are divided into greeting forms in front of the core clause and behind the core clause, and 4) based on semantic characteristics the meaning can be in the form of time, personal pronouns, personal names, kinship, titles, positions and ranks, and professions. Analysis of social variables that affect the use of the form of greeting include gender and age, situation, kinship, intimate relationship, and social status. The function of greeting is as a sign of respect, a sign of intimacy, showing affection, and a function of affirmation.


greeting; social variables; function of greeting; novel Dom Sumurup ing Banyu

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