Tasya Ayu Oktayana, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This research aims to (1) describe and identifying the differences between tembung camboran and phrase in Javanese language, and (2) describe also identifying the characteristic of tembung camboran or phrase include the examples. The effort to analyze the differences between tembung camboran and phrase are merge the words or phrase with giving a infix, turn teh position of the words, and also changing the words of phrase in the different form. If the words or phrase was changed, it’s can’t called tembung camboran. The method of this research is scrutinize than note the datas. We can differentiate tembung camboran anf phrase from the characteristic of which merged. Based on the result of this research, the researcher found thirtty result of tembung camboran in various resources of Javanese language.


tembung camboran; phrase; Javanese language

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