Abdul Azis, Betty Mauli Rosa Bustam


Abstract: Many ancient scholars migrated from one place to another to seek knowledge and seek sustenance. Migrating is like a living madrasa in which you can learn many things, such as understanding all forms of life experiences and testimonies that exist in the world. This study aims to determine the meaning of wandering in the Diwan Imam Syafii book. The theory that will be used in this research is ethnolinguistics. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a library research approach. Data analysis in this study uses the Miles and Hubberman model where in presenting the data using narrative text. The results of this study found 8 poems which are cultural values of wandering in Arabs. The culture of the Arabs holds fast to wandering in search of sustenance and knowledge. In addition, by migrating Arabs can establish good relations with the surrounding community, can have patience and fortitude in life, and are able to survive. By migrating Arabs will have a high value in the eyes of others. In addition, it can hone the value of the skills it has. That is the meaning of the cultural value of wandering that is embedded in Arabs in order to realize their ideals.


cultural values migrating; arabs; diwan imam syafi'i; ethnolinguistics

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