Saeyu Laksmi Nirmala


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to formulate: (1) foreign language elements as insertion type of code mixing in the structure of Indonesian in “Edensor” novel written by Andrea Hirata, (2) the relevance of code mixing and bilingual writer theories on the perspective of ethnolinguistics. This research method is a qualitative analysis of the novel by observation then extracting findings to obtain the answer of research question. The results showed that the type of insertion contained 170 data through seven foreign languages’ elements: English (157 data), French (5 data), Arabic (3 data), Malay (2 data), Dutch (1 datum), Spanish (1 datum), Italian (1 datum). The findings of this study indicate: (1) the bilingual writer, Andrea Hirata has high social values, however, he has loyal pride of his cultural identity, (2) there is relationship among code mixing theories and bilingual writer theories in ethnolinguistics perspective. The mixing of language codes in the novel is purposely designed by the bilingual writer, Andrea Hirata in order to maintain the authenticity of Indonesian and culture as well as being a practical medium in learning the use of foreign languages’ elements in the right place, thus, the story can be understood by its multicultural readers.


code mixing; insertion; bilingual writer; ethnolinguistics

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