Teaching L2 Students’ Critical Review Writing Skill through Appraisal

Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono


Abstract: This study attempts to reveal the implementation and the use of attitude appraisal to enhance students’ critical review writings skill. The students were asked to write a critical review towards a journal they read, however, before they engage to write the text, they were introduced and trained on how to use attitude appraisal items including affect, judgment and appreciation. The data of this study were thirty-nine students’ critical review writings which were analyzed using appraisal theory suggested by Martin and White (2005). The result of this study reveals that most students were able to give their critical review towards the journal they have read. Judgment is the type of appraisal mostly used by students. It deals with behaviour which students admire or criticize, praise or condemn. In addition, it is seen that students’ perception towards the journal are varied based on the use of affect, judgment and appreciation.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini mencoba mengungkap implementasi dan penggunaan penilaian sikap untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis tinjauan kritis mahasiswa. Mahasiswa diminta untuk menulis tinjauan kritis terhadap jurnal yang mereka baca, namun, sebelum mereka menulis teks, mereka diperkenalkan dan dilatih tentang bagaimana menggunakan item penilaian sikap (attitude) termasuk afek (affect), penilaian (judgment) dan apresiasi (appreciation). Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari tiga puluh sembilan tulisan tinjauan kritis yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori appraisal yang dikemukakan oleh Martin dan White (2005). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa mampu memberikan tinjauan kritis terhadap jurnal yang mereka baca. Penilaian (judgment) adalah jenis appraisal sikap yang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Hal ini berkaitan dengan perilaku yang dikagumi atau dikritik, dipuji atau dikutuk oleh mahasiswa. Selain itu, terlihat bahwa persepsi mahasiswa terhadap jurnal bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan afek, penilaian (judgment) dan apresiasi.


appraisal; attitude; critical review; L2 students; writing skill

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