Fortunata Tyasrinestu


Abstract:  The children's songs can be used as a means to convey the message of the songwriter while portraying the children's life and surroundings through their perspective that contained in the lyrics. In this case, the meant of a song is the unity of the melody and lyrics contained within. In addition, a song can also function as a means of exploration, information, expression, and entertainment. This research was conducted to determine the description of health themed vocabularies use in children's song lyrics. How is the health vocabularies, especially in the lyrics of children's songs used by the children songwriters. The sample in this study was songs from Dendang Kencana's best children's songs collection. This research uses descriptive analytic method, which is preceded by the library research followed by the stipulation of health-themed song lyrics created by Dendang Kencana's children's songwriters. Data collection uses 10 song lyrics with scores. Those songs were the best songs chosen from the Dendang Kencana Children Song Creation Contest in 2017. These songs were observed, noted and analyzed to find out the vocabularies within the children's song lyrics. The vocabularies are grouped and analyzed accordingly for the purpose of this study. The results showed that in children's songs, the health-themed vocabularies are often used by songwriters to emerge the importance of being hygiene and healthy since childhood. These vocabularies are related to the daily activities of the child, such as bathing, washing hands, washing hair, maintaining physical health, exercising, eating nutritiously, and other movement activities.


health vocabulary; song creation; song lyrics; children's songs

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