Vinsca Sabrina Claudia, Yanuar Rizka Wijayanto


Abstract:  Rapid technological advances have greatly influenced the development of communication in society. At present, many speakers do communication without having to meet or face to face. They communicate through social media they have, one of which is Facebook. In general the use of these media is used to contain hate speech. Therefore, the research aims to explain and describe (1) the types of illocutionary speech acts in the Covid-19 discussion forum comments and (2) the forms of hate speech in the Covid-19 discussion forum comments. The methode use in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the research indicates the result of the types of illocutionary speech acts with utterances of hatred of the Kebumen community in commenting. Furthermore, the forms of hate speech in comments include forms of provocation, provocation, insults, spreading false news, and unpleasant acts committed by the Kebumen community. The results of this study also show benefits for learners of linguistic theory, especially forensic and pragmatic linguistics.


speech act; hate speech; facebook

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