I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika, Ni Wayan Suastini, Ida Bagus Gde Nova Winarta


ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the verbal and visual signs that appear in posters about the environment and determine the meaning behind these signs. In general, the language used in advertising posters is intended to inform the product or service and invites the public to use them. Besides language, there are also pictures on the poster that aim to attract the attention of the public. Both of these are very interesting to analyze their meaning because sometimes the writing and the images used have other meanings than the actual meaning. This research is a qualitative study, where the analysis is presented descriptively. Data was collected from 3 advertising posters about saving the environment from WWF downloaded from the Internet. Saussure's theory (1993) about semiotics is used to analyze verbal and visual signs that appear in the data source used, and the theory of Barthes (1964) is used to analyze its meaning. In general, the results obtained are verbal signs used in WWF's environmental rescue advertising posters in the form of both written phrases and sentences. Meanwhile, visual signs are images that are included in these advertisements. The meaning contained in the signs used in these advertisements tends to be connotative because it has another meaning from the real meaning.


Sign; Meaning; Advertising poster

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