Angga Pranata, Sumarlam Sumarlam


Abstract: This research aims to describe the cohesion of discourse in terms of lexical cohesion aspects of the use of synonymy or equality of meaning in the lyrics of the most popular songs of Andy Lau and Nike Ardilla. The object of this research is synonymy in three Andy Lau song lyrics and three Nike Ardilla song lyrics. The method used in the provision of data for this study is the method of listening, the technique of engaging in engaging free speech (SLBC). The method used in analyzing data is the aggregate method. The agih method is used to analyze synonymy found in the lyrics of the most popular songs of Andy Lau and Nike Ardilla. The method used to present the results of data analysis in this study is formal and informal methods. The results of data analysis in general synonymy or the similarity of meaning that appears in the lyrics of the most popular songs of Andy Lau and Nike Ardilla are the most popular song lyrics of Nike Ardilla which are found most synonymically or in the same meaning compared to the lyrics of Andy Lau's popular song. This research only focuses on the lexical cohesion aspects of the use of synonyms of the most popular song lyrics of Andy Lau and Nike Ardilla to find out the similarity in meaning of these popular songs.


synonymy; equality of meaning; song lyrics of Andy Lau and Nike Ardilla

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